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Av Heqirish - 31 oktober 2008 10:19

As a Dark Elf I of course take every opportunity to slaughter some of our hated kin. At least if it gives me good xp. ;)

Found this great AoE-grinding spot yesterday in Caledor. 6 camps of elves easily killed and they repopped in about 10 seconds. Spent about 2 hours there killing a bit above 800 elves for a total of 400k xp = 200kxp/hr from grinding only. Malekith will be proud of me. :P

Realized now that the video quality was kinda bad, located why and the next one will be better. :)

Av Heqirish - 30 oktober 2008 15:57

Great Chapter Mythic!

Finished it in 40 mins and got 200k xp. Make more of those. :)

Av Heqirish - 30 oktober 2008 12:33

Specced into Shadow Knives today because of a few bugs with PoS (gfx one and a more serious targeting issue). It's exactly like PoS except for a different animation, that it effects targets around a target mob instead of a target area and therefore costs more ap.

Works great, nice synergy on cooldowns with Disastrous Cascade. It's just a shame that it also shares PoS gfx bug...

At least SK's animation is a bit less annoying. >.<

Shadow Knives Graphics Bug

Av Heqirish - 30 oktober 2008 11:28

A guildie found these great clips describing the evolution of the Warcraft. They're nicely done tbh, a great watch. Will link more parts when/if they arrive.

Part I

Part II

Av Heqirish - 30 oktober 2008 10:57

I somehow managed to flood the bathroom yesterday. Thought I'd take a shower at about 11 pm, since I for some weird reason hadn't done it in the morning like I always do. Anyways, as I was sitting in the tub (Ye, we have a tub that noone ever uses for a bath. Go figure and then tell me why we don't have a shower 'cause I have no idea. >.<) merrily enjoying myself (Ok, that sounded wrong.), I noticed that the water ran away quite slowly. It wasn't slow enough to make me keep wondering however, just found it a bit strange since dad had cleaned the bathroom earlier during the day. I was quite tired so I sat there for a while and when I was done and was about to step out of the tub I quickly noticed one thing that had changed since I stepped in. There were about 4 cm of water covering the entire floor!

The funny thing, and what actually made me laugh when I saw the water, is that when I noticed that the water were running away a bit slow I actually thought "Lol, what if something would clog the pipes and the bathroom would get flooded".

I fail, I know. :P

Av Heqirish - 29 oktober 2008 13:00

Specced to Calamity/Destruction and began to do some PvE for the first time since around level 15. AoE grinding is really smooth and fast with a sorceress, was a bit worried originally that I would be too squishy to do it alone. Luckily, however, that wasn't the case. They die too fast to do any real damage to me, 6-8 mobs will take me down to about 40% hp before they die. And yes,  pulling around 8-10 mobs at the time and nuking them all to oblivion in a few seconds is just as rewarding as it sounds. It makes you feel pretty powerful. xD

The only drawback is that the graphics of my main AoE-nuke, Pit of Shades, bugs out from time to time which results in a nice purple pit that follows me around until I die. Annoying as hell tbh, hopefully they'll fix it soon.

PoS gfxbug

Av Heqirish - 9 oktober 2008 00:57

Just love it when Order stays in one close group the entire game. Stupid fuckers. :P

Chadra is the name of my sorceress btw. ;)

Mourkain Ownage

Av Heqirish - 30 september 2008 23:26

My first try on the ironmode version of "If you want peace, prepare for war" with CoB. The highscore shown at the start is from a long time ago on ninja difficulty. ;)

Don't know why it became 7min long, it's just 4min of video. :P


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