Inlägg publicerade under kategorin WAR/Gaming

Av Heqirish - 8 september 2008 19:21

...since I managed to type the OB key wrong. >.<

Had put a B where it should have been an 8, so I can now look forward to another 2-3 hours wait until the next mail arrives. :/

Av Heqirish - 7 september 2008 18:17

Ok, I've constantly been trying  to register on war-europe since 13:00 and I'm no closer to playing than I was when I started 5,5 hours ago... I have just one question tbh: WHY THE FUCK couldn't you have launched the authentication centre 2 weeks ago like in the US?

As if it wasn't enough, MagnusK just told us on WHA that you could use the old accounts if you had one before. Maybe it could have been a good idea to tell us that a few hours ago, don't you agree? Then I wouldn't sit here and be mad, I would be playing WAR.

Of course they decided to disable any further registrations/authentication for an unknowned period to (hopefully) fix all problems. I seriously hope it'll work when it get's available again.

This sucks.

Av Heqirish - 5 september 2008 20:23

The OB servers will open on Sunday and I'll finally be able to play WAR after about 2,5 years of waiting. First encountered the game back in April 2006 when I for the first time logged in to WHA. I remember how I'd played WoW for about a year, how I was disappointed in the pvp aspect of the game, it hasn't improved much imho, and thinking that "hey, this game sounds really awesome!". It was true love on first sight. ;)

Remember how you felt the day before christmas as a little kid? That's how I'm starting to feel right now, nothing can beat the feeling of a new and fresh mmorpg. Creating your char who's ass you'll spend so many hours staring on, entering the world, starting to learn the ui and the new features. It can't be explained. ^^

Sure, sometimes you get disappointed later along the road, *cough* AoC *cough*, but the first month is almost always awesome.

Will be a tad different this time around though, since it will still be beta and not a live game so my focus will be on finding the class I want to play for the next 2+ years (hopefully) since they will wipe all chars before headstart anyway. Aiming to get a Magus, Zealot, Shaman, Sorceress, and Squig Herder high enough to be able to decide between them. That will be enough to keep myself busy until the 14th when CE headstart begins. Glad that we, well, that I have almost nothing that I need to do in school atm. ;)

Av Heqirish - 4 september 2008 09:05

Just look at her face. xD

Female Dwarf


Av Heqirish - 4 september 2008 08:31

Just found out that the blog actually never was on Facebook, he just had one entry there while searching for a place to start blogging permanently. If I'd known that it would have saved me the 2,5 hours of searching I did yesterday. >.<

Going to read it later today when I've got some spare time.

Av Heqirish - 4 september 2008 08:13

A link popped up on WHA this morning. Here it is. Read it and enjoy, I know I will. :)

Av Heqirish - 4 september 2008 07:53

Dark Legacy has made some great game comics over the years. When I played WoW, I always looked up the latest Dark Legacy every week. Their most recent one is hilarious and really shows one of the problems with vertical xpacks.

There's a similar one for AoC called Dimfall, and their latest is hilarious as well. It's based on how AoC promised a lot for their game until launch when everyone could see that even some of the major features wasn't actually in the game.


Av Heqirish - 3 september 2008 22:39

So, he mentioned here that he has a blog on Facebook. After spending about 30 minutes registering and getting to know the site (I do not like the design and layout of that site at all tbh) and then 2 hours trying to find his blog, I've finally given up. Here's for hoping that he'll post a link in that thread later on.


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