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Av Heqirish - 3 november 2008 22:12

Just recalled that I was supposed to read a book in german during the holiday. It's a shame since we were really close to lock Thunder Mountain, but it's probably best to start at once since I have 100 pages left. :P

Ah, well...

Av Heqirish - 1 november 2008 09:54

Forgot to take my lenses out yesterday evening. I hate when I manage to do that. They almost get glued to the eye and it becomes difficult to take them out.

Thing is that I use my glasses when I'm at home by myself/with family and since I've been playing/leveling my sorc pretty hardcore this past week, I haven't used lenses for a while ---> I forget to take them out before going to sleep. >.<

Av Heqirish - 30 oktober 2008 10:57

I somehow managed to flood the bathroom yesterday. Thought I'd take a shower at about 11 pm, since I for some weird reason hadn't done it in the morning like I always do. Anyways, as I was sitting in the tub (Ye, we have a tub that noone ever uses for a bath. Go figure and then tell me why we don't have a shower 'cause I have no idea. >.<) merrily enjoying myself (Ok, that sounded wrong.), I noticed that the water ran away quite slowly. It wasn't slow enough to make me keep wondering however, just found it a bit strange since dad had cleaned the bathroom earlier during the day. I was quite tired so I sat there for a while and when I was done and was about to step out of the tub I quickly noticed one thing that had changed since I stepped in. There were about 4 cm of water covering the entire floor!

The funny thing, and what actually made me laugh when I saw the water, is that when I noticed that the water were running away a bit slow I actually thought "Lol, what if something would clog the pipes and the bathroom would get flooded".

I fail, I know. :P

Av Heqirish - 30 september 2008 18:52

I'm back!

Had kinda forgot about the blog until a friend of mine reminded me last week.  Have had too much on my mind lately, with school and, well, other stuff. ;)

My parents went to Greece this Sunday so I'm alone at home for a week. My bro' and sis' are home as well, but we all have our own spaces so it's almost the same thing.

WAR is great, but I've changed my mind from a shammy to a sorceress. They are really fun when you have your own pocket-healer. ^^

I know that I kinda failed with the whole video thing during OB, will upload one asap.

I've improved my audiosurf skills by a lot these past 2 weeks. I'm now regularly scoring gold on ironmode songs of "In Flames difficulty"

Will try to get back into old posting habits. ;)

This is from last week, when I still played ninja and not ironmode. (Yes, I fail at the first 3 colored ones:P)

Av Heqirish - 12 september 2008 21:35

Servers are still down so I'm chilling on guildvent while browsing through YouTube vids. 

Got no WAR vid since I haven't played anything today, so you'll have to settle with this clip from Jon Lajoie instead. Check out his other vids if you have some spare time, some of them are pretty funny. :P

Av Heqirish - 5 september 2008 21:04

A friend of mine played this awesome song during the LAN I organized the last week of the summer holidays. It was the source of a truly epic moment when everyone swayed to the rhythm while singing the chorus the second night and I finally managed to get the thing on my computer yesterday. :P

Just listen to it, and if you don't think that it's epic then it's something wrong with you for sure. Either that or you actually had to take part of the LAN to appreciate it. Leaning towards the later tbh. ;)

Anyways, enjoy.

Av Heqirish - 2 september 2008 14:36

Found out when I came home today that there's a problem with camping in a sandy area with a tent from around the 80's that you have no idea how to set up. The problem is the sand. Prepare to have to wash the tent clean, when you get home, from the tons of sand it manages to accumulate. Just finished it, it's taken me about 1 hour and 30 minutes and then I still need to unpack the rest of my stuff...

Next time I'm definitely taking a more "modern" tent, this one sucked big time. Took me about 1 hour to put it up and it looked like a tipi that's been standing on the spot for about a month without someone tending to it. This didn't help me to sleep at all and I gave up after trying to sleep for about one hour. From 4:30 to 7:45 I was pretty much wandering around the area alone while listening to music. I did even go for a run at 6:40-7:45. Was severely needed tbh, felt a bit nauseous and quite tired. Running cheered me up a bit.

Finally, the guy in our group who had the map got away from us on the way back while we were adjusting a mate's packing and we actually managed to walk in a few circles after that, effectively making us have to walk twice the supposed length. >.<

The camping as a whole, however, was imo a positive experience. The hours between when I'd managed to put up the tent and about 3:00 in the morning was great. This is solely because of the fact that our class is awesome. Take away that and put in for example my family and it would have sucked a lot.

TLDR: I hate camping and love my class. ;)

Av Heqirish - 31 augusti 2008 19:22

An important part of our sports class is, according to my teacher and since she's in charge that's how it is, to learn how to camp. To be totally honest, it's not exactly on my top 10 list of fun things to do. Being out in the woods isn't that bad, but I can't sleep in a tent at all. It's just one night though and I doubt there will be much sleeping anyway, so it could actually turn out to be quite ok.

Most things like this will be what you make them to be, with that in mind I will try to stay positive and make the best out of it. Which just happens to be one of the criteria for MVG (A). ;)

One good thing at least is that I've convinced my mom to drive me to (and pick me up) where we're supposed to start. Checked the weather a few minutes ago and it's looking like rain on Tuesday. Will be nice to be able to just call and get someone to pick you up in that case. :)


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