Alla inlägg den 26 augusti 2008

Av Heqirish - 26 augusti 2008 22:09

So, it's not decided yet, but there's one server where we (Futilez) will most likely end up playing at.

Lots of old DAoC guilds have decided to join the same server and so are probably we. That server is probably going to be the most competetive server in EU and the one with the least zergs which is great. The fun in steamrolling pugs would diminish after a while but competetive pvp never gets old really as long as the gameplay is good which I ofc hope it will be.

12 more days to OB. ;)

Av Heqirish - 26 augusti 2008 21:18

Had my first German lesson this morning. Foreign languages, German in my case, is easily the subject that requires the most work of me. Practise makes perfect I guess, but I truly hate it when you're only able to speak in basic sentences and those you thought out beforehand. The biggest reason I chose to continue with it is that I know how important it is. You need languages if you're aiming for those kind of jobs I am aiming for. When multiple people search for a job it may very well be the deciding factor. 

The largest difference, for me, between a foreign language and for example math is that with math you learn one thing and  you see a definite and clear improvement and increase of knowledge. With foreign languages it's like you learn and study some grammar or words but that feeling of a definite increase in knowledge is missing, at least for me. That feeling comes later though, when you all of a sudden notice that your skills do have improved, happens once or twice a year in my case, but the lack of that immediate feeling of accomplishment (and the feeling of that you suck at this you sometimes get) makes these lessons, well, not dreaded but not something you really look forward to.

Something I had looked forward to though, is chemistry. This first lesson, however, was quite boring in my mind. Our teacher went through the basics and with that I mean the absolute and extreme basics. Stuff you heard about the first time in 6th grade. Sure, it may have been exiting then but I think I know it by now after having rehearsed it for 4 years. I'd hoped we'd learn something new and cool to catch interest and get the course rolling tbh. Learned two new things in 2.5 hours, what it's called when an element skips liquid form and goes directly for solid or gas form and the chemical symbol for tin (Sn). :/

Guess it's good that they bring the entire class to the same level but I think it was a bit too much time dedicated to the extreme basics. I hope we get to more advanced stuff soon, though by the look of our schedule - I doubt it...

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