Alla inlägg den 22 augusti 2008

Av Heqirish - 22 augusti 2008 10:59

Much has happened in the past week when it comes to WAR. The biggest news was of course the fact that NDA was lifted 3 days ago and everything associated with that. I don't know about you but when I hear new cool info about a class I think something like: "Hey, that ability is awesome! I want to play that!". Since I firmly believe that you need to focus on one char to get anywhere I have a problem here. :P

Thankfully, GOA confirmed the 7th Sept date here which means that OB is coming upon us in mere 16 days! Can't wait, this sudden surge of news and videos makes me want to play WAR more than ever. It looks very polished now imo and I have great faith in this game. I can see myself playing this for years if it delivers what it promised it will.

The same post from GOA holds some bad news as well, CE-buyers in EU won't get CB or PW. :/

This is bad of both Mythic and GOA since they talked so much about "equal service between NA and EU". It's not the end of the world though and I'm happy as long as they fix a smooth launch for WAR.

Av Heqirish - 22 augusti 2008 10:39

Why do some people (mom in particular) believe that you need to "reset" your sleeping habits to normal a week or two before school actually starts. After telling her, for about 2 weeks, that it's not actually needed at all, she decided that 3 days is the absolute minimum amount of time you need and therefore woke me up at 7:00 this morning. I can tell you one thing - I was not happy when she did that. Especially since I haven't slept much the last three days due to a LAN-party that I organized.

I finally went to Orions this monday btw, ofc they didn't have any Deamonettes in the store at the time. >.<

Ordered some though and they'll probably arrive on monday so it's not that bad.

ps. Sorry about the lack of posts this past week. I'd totally forgot about it. :P

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