Alla inlägg den 6 augusti 2008

Av Heqirish - 6 augusti 2008 15:27

I'm so excited right now! Mythic has now officially released a date for when WAR will launch! The Age of Reckoning will start on the 18th of September, a date not so far away and a lot sooner than I thought a few weeks ago!

With the headstart and OB, I might be playing WAR in just 3-4 weeks. That's nothing after more than 2 years of waiting and I'm more hyped than ever!


Av Heqirish - 6 augusti 2008 14:36

The year is 1372, DR, and much has happened since the truce became real in the year of 1360. Cormyr's armor- and weaponsmiths have returned to their former glory they basked in before the last war with the Pirate Lords of the Dragon Coast in the south and the Merchants' Guild that rules the country of Sembia in the southeast.

Tales of their skills with the hammer and iron have spread swiftly to almost every country north and west of the Sea of Fallen Stars, in just a bit more than a decade. This was made possible by the stout dwarfs of the Stormhorn clan who've returned to the Storm Horns mountain range in west Cormyr, from where they supply the blacksmiths of Cormyr with the high-quality iron the Storm Horns are renowned for.

The Dales of the Dalelands, Cormyr's trusted allies, have risen to their former glory as well. The friendly and ambitious people that inhabit the Dales have produced more adventurers than any other country, who when they retire, bring wealth and riches back home to the Dales, helping it prosper. The Elder Court which rules the Dales, interfere with the Dales' local governments only when it's really needed. The mere fact that it exists still brings a feeling of belonging to something bigger than just the local Dale to the people, who have a grim history of fighting among themselves behind them.

Since the end of the war, the woods of Cormanthor, Semberholme and the Border Forest have been safe for merchants and travelers alike to travel through. This was the case until a few months ago when bandits appeared, making traveling difficult if you can't afford a few guards and even then you're not completely safe.

The Stormhorn clan are also reporting about an increasing amount of orcs who attack the mines and caravans in the mountains. They've sent a messenger to King Aelthas and he has sent them the soldiers he can spare, but most of his men are occupied with guarding the borders to Sembia who've started to send out raiding parties over the border. These raiders burn and plunder villages in their way, while taking the men and women who inhabit them back to Sembia as slaves.

There are also rumours, originating from the Dragon Coast, about a new Pirate Lord trying to unite the feuding lords who make up the most of the country. Normally this wouldn't be threat. There's always would-be pirate lords trying their luck and reports about them come in at a consistent speed, but this one is different. They say he has managed to bring Lord Tom Darkblade, the rogue who was a leader of an assassin's guild called the Dark Blades (hence the name) before he seized control over Ilipur, under his cause. With the support of the Dragon Coast's second largest state, this newcomer shouldn't be underestimated and King Aelthas immediately sent spies to see if the rumours are true and, if so, collect more information.


Av Heqirish - 6 augusti 2008 11:56

Will summarize the adventures that I'm a DM for here in this section. These summarizes could be all from basic "what have the PC's done" to some more elaborate posts depending on which mood I'm in. If, for some reason, someone not familiar with D&D would want to read this I'll make an explanation of all the abbreviations that I use in this section so check back here if there's an abbreviation that you don't understand.

D&D - Dungeons and Dragons - one of the nerdiest things on the planet, you basically sit with a group of friends and imagine that you're great heroes fighting evil villains and viscious monsters while doing epic deeds = great fun. ;)

DM - Dungeon Master - The one who runs the adventures/campaigns.

PC - Player Character - Human controlled character, one of the "heroes".

DR - Dalereckoning - Fearûn's most common calendar.

Av Heqirish - 6 augusti 2008 11:23

I've added categories to organize stuff a bit better. Did this for several reasons:

1. I want to summarize my D&D adventures, this could be quite lengthy posts which none but I and the people I play with might read.

2. I want to get stuff more organized (duh), with gaming related stuff in WAR/Gaming, general ramblings about life in General a.k.a "Allmänt", etc...

3. I still haven't picked up those Deamonettes yet, but thought I'd post pictures and stuff like that during the dreaded assembling/painting process and ofc battle reports when it'll come to that (will create a Warhammer section when time is due). Those could also be quite lengthy with even less interest. :P

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