Alla inlägg den 1 augusti 2008

Av Heqirish - 1 augusti 2008 20:56

I've read somewhere that you're supposed to begin with writing what you're going to write about in your blog so I guess I'll start with that.

Well, to be honest I'll probably just end up writing about exactly what I feel about writing at that particular moment but to give ya all a bit of  a heads-up. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a fair bit about gaming, it is my major interest after all. Especially after WAR releases, might even upload some videos if I feel like it.

Warhammer tabletop will get some attention as well - provided that I manage to get my ass to Orion and buy some Deamonettes. Should do that on monday tbh. If I ever will be done painting the fuckers so I can begin playing some battles is another question though. If I do however, I'll probably post some battle reports.

Since D&D 4th edition has been released now, we'll probably see a bit of that. Actually made my first adventure for my first campaign in this new edition today. Took me about five hours. I have to admit that I'm quite pleased with how it turned out in the end. Added a bunch of options to try and fix my past adventures greatest flaw - they've always been too linear. With three totally different endings in this one, linear is the least it is. Will give an update on how it went after we've played it through. Hopefully we will be able to play this weekend.

Will also write down any random thoughts and/or questions I might encounter. I usually have quite a few. :P

Have to say I'm a bit disappointed with how the layout of this site is though (you're going to notice that I like the word "though"), thought a second about coding an own site just to get my desired layout but I can't be bothered. I don't have THAT much free time. ;)

Since I started this blog partly so I'd have a an incentive to practise my english: I shall try to get at least one post/day and try to learn a new word every day as well.

Todays word: "beck" or "beckon". Beckon means "ge tecken" or "vinka". "Beck" is basically "vink" or "nick". Useful phrase: "be at a persons beck and call" = "följa någons minsta vink". Don't really know if english people are using the word especially often tbh, but I've heard it in songs and have read it somewhere and wondered "wtf does that mean?". :P

Hmm, this might have got a bit too long, but, tbh, who cares? I'm writing it for myself anyway, I get to practise my english for free and have a place to write my thoughts. Only one thing worries me, if it'll keep my interest so I continue posting. Only time will tell...

Oh, and btw, about the colour scheme. Tried to rip off a site I visit pretty often but it didn't go all that well. It's different shades of grey, beige and dark red. A cookie to the one who can guess the site. ;)

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