Alla inlägg under september 2008

Av Heqirish - 30 september 2008 23:26

My first try on the ironmode version of "If you want peace, prepare for war" with CoB. The highscore shown at the start is from a long time ago on ninja difficulty. ;)

Don't know why it became 7min long, it's just 4min of video. :P

Av Heqirish - 30 september 2008 18:52

I'm back!

Had kinda forgot about the blog until a friend of mine reminded me last week.  Have had too much on my mind lately, with school and, well, other stuff. ;)

My parents went to Greece this Sunday so I'm alone at home for a week. My bro' and sis' are home as well, but we all have our own spaces so it's almost the same thing.

WAR is great, but I've changed my mind from a shammy to a sorceress. They are really fun when you have your own pocket-healer. ^^

I know that I kinda failed with the whole video thing during OB, will upload one asap.

I've improved my audiosurf skills by a lot these past 2 weeks. I'm now regularly scoring gold on ironmode songs of "In Flames difficulty"

Will try to get back into old posting habits. ;)

This is from last week, when I still played ninja and not ironmode. (Yes, I fail at the first 3 colored ones:P)

Av Heqirish - 13 september 2008 11:22

Servers are down again, well, my server at least. Afraid I got no video since I forgot about it, hopefully the server will get back up soon and then I'll record one.

We were discussing the Tome of Knowledge in vent earlier this morning, it's awesome btw, and when I checked my RvR kills it turned out that I was even more 1337 than I thought. ;)

1337 amount of RvR kills

Av Heqirish - 12 september 2008 22:39

Hmm, it's now 7 hours since GOA said they bring down the servers for patching with an ETA of 1 hour and 3 hours since they said they were sorry it took some extra time but the servers should be up "shortly". >.<

Not going to judge GOA too hard yet, it's beta, I give them that but they better have a smooth launch with improved communication on Sunday when CE headstart begins. The communication part can't be that hard at least. Just tell us what's going on even if it's just "We're working on it but got no ETA atm. Sorry for the inconvenience." and I'm happy.

From the looks of it right now, I seriously doubt that the servers will be online anytime soon, which is a shame 'cause I'd really looked forward to blow up some stunties this evening. Should be able to get my WAR fix tomorrow though, before the servers are closed down for headstart preparations. Will upload a vid then as well.


Good night all.

Av Heqirish - 12 september 2008 21:35

Servers are still down so I'm chilling on guildvent while browsing through YouTube vids. 

Got no WAR vid since I haven't played anything today, so you'll have to settle with this clip from Jon Lajoie instead. Check out his other vids if you have some spare time, some of them are pretty funny. :P

Av Heqirish - 12 september 2008 17:03

Sorry for not writing these last days, been too busy playing WAR. ;)

It's pure awesome from that you log in to, well, it's still awesome at lvl 10 and that's how far I've got. :P

Love the PQ's, as a guildie said: "how come noone have thought of this before: hey, let's kill stuff and let's do it together!". It doesn't feel like grinding at all and even if you don't like one specific PQ there's always 1 or 2 more you could do in the same level range.

Scenarios are great and I've managed to decide on a class already. Fell in love with the shaman in my first scenario with him. You really feel that you're contributing to the fight when you're healing and it's so much fun doing it that it's not even funny. (see what i did there?) ;)

Will try to get a vid on here later tonight.

Av Heqirish - 8 september 2008 19:21

...since I managed to type the OB key wrong. >.<

Had put a B where it should have been an 8, so I can now look forward to another 2-3 hours wait until the next mail arrives. :/

Av Heqirish - 7 september 2008 18:17

Ok, I've constantly been trying  to register on war-europe since 13:00 and I'm no closer to playing than I was when I started 5,5 hours ago... I have just one question tbh: WHY THE FUCK couldn't you have launched the authentication centre 2 weeks ago like in the US?

As if it wasn't enough, MagnusK just told us on WHA that you could use the old accounts if you had one before. Maybe it could have been a good idea to tell us that a few hours ago, don't you agree? Then I wouldn't sit here and be mad, I would be playing WAR.

Of course they decided to disable any further registrations/authentication for an unknowned period to (hopefully) fix all problems. I seriously hope it'll work when it get's available again.

This sucks.


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