Direktlänk till inlägg 30 augusti 2008

Headstart Dates announced and 1v1 Video

Av Heqirish - 30 augusti 2008 19:29

GOA announced the dates for the EU headstart yesterday. The servers will open the 14th of September for those with CE and the 15th for SE.

With OB starting on the 7th, this means that I have the 7th-13th of September to decide on my career. Leaning towards a magus atm, but zealot, shaman, sorceror and squig herder are still in the picture. xD

Hopefully I'll be able to decide on a class during OB so I can begin leveling at once when the live servers open on the 14th.

Saw this video the first time a week ago and I think it shows that even if the game is balanced mostly around RvR and big battles, 1v1 fights are also pretty skill based and takes maybe a bit longer time than other mmo's out there e.g WoW. Note that this is a Chosen (tank) vs a Warrior Priest (melee healer), it would obviously be a lot shorter if it would have been a Sorceress vs a Bright Wizard.


For better quality, watch it on youtube on high.

Oh, and anyone who says it looks like crap now and that it's pretty much on the level of WoW's graphics - either you haven't played WoW in a while or you haven't seen any of the videos post NDA drop. If it's the second, I suggest you do. ;)


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Av Heqirish - 3 november 2008 22:12

  Just recalled that I was supposed to read a book in german during the holiday. It's a shame since we were really close to lock Thunder Mountain, but it's probably best to start at once since I have 100 pages left. :P   Ah, well... ...

Av Heqirish - 2 november 2008 23:08

  Dinged 40 a few hours ago and it feels so nice to finally be done with the xpgrind. :)   Now I can begin to grind bastion stair. :P     ...

Av Heqirish - 2 november 2008 09:55

  In WAR there's these quests which you just stumble upon from time to time. Nothing leads you to them and they're very short, most of the time you just have to press the same dude/thing twice. They're often funny to read and free xp that...

Av Heqirish - 1 november 2008 16:12

  your xp/session has 7 digits and it's still only early afternoon... :P       ...

Av Heqirish - 1 november 2008 12:05

  The ss says it all.  


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