Direktlänk till inlägg 9 augusti 2008


Av Heqirish - 9 augusti 2008 10:36


It's everywhere and everyone wants something to change, whether it's huge changes like moving to a new place or finding someone to love, or smaller changes like getting a new haircut or grab a hold of that new awesome game that's coming out 18th of September.  ;)

Most of the time though, change is something a majority of people are negative about. People generally don't like change, they like it the way they've always done it. It makes them feel secure. Trying new things are scary for some and exciting for others, most of the time a bit of both, depending on what it is and who it is that's trying.

Some people are even more reluctant to change than others, they live in the past so to speak. While remembering and even embracing the past is a good thing, taking it too far can disconnect the individual from the present making him/her seem a bit distant and old to the people living in it. (This seem to happen naturally with age, exceptions exists of course.)

Others embrace the thought of change, making so many plans for what they shall do when they get more money, what they will do when they get old etc. etc. that they forget to live their life in the present. You should definitely have both short and long term plans but, same as staying in the past, taking it too far disconnects you from the present and make you look like you have your head up in the skies.


There's a line which summarizes this pretty well, most often attributed to a survivor of the german deathcamps:

Remember the past, plan for the future, but live in the present!

There's always people who want to change you and your ways of life (most notably your parents;)), and if you're like me and need a hard boot in the ass, most often my own boot but not always, to get something changed then it can be a good thing. Don't let them take it too far though, opinions differ and make sure the change is for the better.

In the end, always remember that change as a whole drives the world forward. Without change, nothing would exist.

PS: Can't write a post with only one nerdy reference in it, so therefore I have to declare this post as an offering to Tzeentch - god of Change. ;)


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Av Heqirish - 3 november 2008 22:12

  Just recalled that I was supposed to read a book in german during the holiday. It's a shame since we were really close to lock Thunder Mountain, but it's probably best to start at once since I have 100 pages left. :P   Ah, well... ...

Av Heqirish - 2 november 2008 23:08

  Dinged 40 a few hours ago and it feels so nice to finally be done with the xpgrind. :)   Now I can begin to grind bastion stair. :P     ...

Av Heqirish - 2 november 2008 09:55

  In WAR there's these quests which you just stumble upon from time to time. Nothing leads you to them and they're very short, most of the time you just have to press the same dude/thing twice. They're often funny to read and free xp that...

Av Heqirish - 1 november 2008 16:12

  your xp/session has 7 digits and it's still only early afternoon... :P       ...

Av Heqirish - 1 november 2008 12:05

  The ss says it all.  


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