Direktlänk till inlägg 4 augusti 2008

EU as second Grade Customers?

Av Heqirish - 4 augusti 2008 11:53

Mythic has created some sort of mini-game to produce hype and up their beta sign-ups. Seems to be pretty fun, you collect gold and battle with and against other fans for your realm. Something to do while waiting for open beta to start I thought, made me really happy tbh and as I was eager to try it out I began typing my beta info in the login fields but stopped as I saw the text below.

Start the Realm War now. Join Order or Destruction, Earn Gold to win battles in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The Winning Realm will be rewarded with Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning in-game prizes.

Woot! You can earn in-game prizes as well! But wait now just a second...

...North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

There ain't any EU version!!! WTF!? Alright, calm down now. There has to be a EU site as well somewhere, right? Apparantly, no, there are no EU version to be found. After realizing this, some more nerd-rage arouse and I have to leave the computer to grab something to eat and calm down.

I really, really, hope that this doesn't show how things will be done in the future. With that I mean that customers from NA will be the privileged ones and that the EU will be considered as second-grade customers. Sort of how I've heard it was in DAoC. Since it has something to do with beta maybe it's just GOA that are slow as usual, they haven't even fixed their site yet. Let's just hope their new one doesn't use the ridiculous amount of flash their current one does and that it gets updated at a reasonable speed. Flash is evil and it shouldn't be several days between the NA site and GOA's, imo.

/rant off


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Av Heqirish - 3 november 2008 22:12

  Just recalled that I was supposed to read a book in german during the holiday. It's a shame since we were really close to lock Thunder Mountain, but it's probably best to start at once since I have 100 pages left. :P   Ah, well... ...

Av Heqirish - 2 november 2008 23:08

  Dinged 40 a few hours ago and it feels so nice to finally be done with the xpgrind. :)   Now I can begin to grind bastion stair. :P     ...

Av Heqirish - 2 november 2008 09:55

  In WAR there's these quests which you just stumble upon from time to time. Nothing leads you to them and they're very short, most of the time you just have to press the same dude/thing twice. They're often funny to read and free xp that...

Av Heqirish - 1 november 2008 16:12

  your xp/session has 7 digits and it's still only early afternoon... :P       ...

Av Heqirish - 1 november 2008 12:05

  The ss says it all.  


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