Alla inlägg under augusti 2008

Av Heqirish - 31 augusti 2008 19:22

An important part of our sports class is, according to my teacher and since she's in charge that's how it is, to learn how to camp. To be totally honest, it's not exactly on my top 10 list of fun things to do. Being out in the woods isn't that bad, but I can't sleep in a tent at all. It's just one night though and I doubt there will be much sleeping anyway, so it could actually turn out to be quite ok.

Most things like this will be what you make them to be, with that in mind I will try to stay positive and make the best out of it. Which just happens to be one of the criteria for MVG (A). ;)

One good thing at least is that I've convinced my mom to drive me to (and pick me up) where we're supposed to start. Checked the weather a few minutes ago and it's looking like rain on Tuesday. Will be nice to be able to just call and get someone to pick you up in that case. :)

Av Heqirish - 30 augusti 2008 19:29

GOA announced the dates for the EU headstart yesterday. The servers will open the 14th of September for those with CE and the 15th for SE.

With OB starting on the 7th, this means that I have the 7th-13th of September to decide on my career. Leaning towards a magus atm, but zealot, shaman, sorceror and squig herder are still in the picture. xD

Hopefully I'll be able to decide on a class during OB so I can begin leveling at once when the live servers open on the 14th.

Saw this video the first time a week ago and I think it shows that even if the game is balanced mostly around RvR and big battles, 1v1 fights are also pretty skill based and takes maybe a bit longer time than other mmo's out there e.g WoW. Note that this is a Chosen (tank) vs a Warrior Priest (melee healer), it would obviously be a lot shorter if it would have been a Sorceress vs a Bright Wizard.


For better quality, watch it on youtube on high.

Oh, and anyone who says it looks like crap now and that it's pretty much on the level of WoW's graphics - either you haven't played WoW in a while or you haven't seen any of the videos post NDA drop. If it's the second, I suggest you do. ;)

Av Heqirish - 30 augusti 2008 11:56

Darkfall, sceptics says it's vaporware, is announced to release later this year. I don't know how plausible that is, but it's now possible to sign up for the beta once more... :P

First time you could sign up was in 2005 according to wikipedia. Read the development history. ;)

If it do get released and holds up to what it's promised, it could very well be a cool game catering to the more "hardcore" part of the mmo crowd with stuff like player looting. 

Unless WAR fails miserably, which I doubt, I don't think I'll play it though. WAR appeals to me more as of now, but it's always a good idea to stay aware of upcoming games and this one has potential for sure. Whether or not it's more than that remains to be seen.

A video showing the graphics as of now, it's pre-beta and with that in mind it actually looks pretty good.

Av Heqirish - 28 augusti 2008 20:28

That's right, the OB client for WAR is now available for download here. A few more days left until OB actually starts but there's no reason not to download it now so you're prepared. :)

Av Heqirish - 28 augusti 2008 19:45

You can't do anything else than laugh at people like this who cries "nerf!" before a game has even launched. Not to mention that he compares gear from two different classes to boot. :P

I liked one of the replies though. Sums it up pretty well.

So one of the following 2 things happened.

1: The OP did extensive testing with gear and multiple players of varying skill to determine that items overcome player skill.


2: The OP saw the item was colored purple and freaked out that this was WoW.

People need to realize that this is a new game and wait until they've actually played the game before drawing any conclusions about what is OP or not. Is that really too much to ask?

Av Heqirish - 27 augusti 2008 20:01

Ever seen those letters on a tombstone and wondered what they ment? I have a few times and just now, due to being bored, checked what it stands for.

Apparantly it's an abbreviation for:

"Non Fui, Fui, Non Sum, Non Curo."

It's latin and means "I did not exist, I existed, I do not exist, I don't care.".

Personally I think it's an awesome thing to have on your tombstone and something to consider when that time is due. :P

Av Heqirish - 26 augusti 2008 22:09

So, it's not decided yet, but there's one server where we (Futilez) will most likely end up playing at.

Lots of old DAoC guilds have decided to join the same server and so are probably we. That server is probably going to be the most competetive server in EU and the one with the least zergs which is great. The fun in steamrolling pugs would diminish after a while but competetive pvp never gets old really as long as the gameplay is good which I ofc hope it will be.

12 more days to OB. ;)

Av Heqirish - 26 augusti 2008 21:18

Had my first German lesson this morning. Foreign languages, German in my case, is easily the subject that requires the most work of me. Practise makes perfect I guess, but I truly hate it when you're only able to speak in basic sentences and those you thought out beforehand. The biggest reason I chose to continue with it is that I know how important it is. You need languages if you're aiming for those kind of jobs I am aiming for. When multiple people search for a job it may very well be the deciding factor. 

The largest difference, for me, between a foreign language and for example math is that with math you learn one thing and  you see a definite and clear improvement and increase of knowledge. With foreign languages it's like you learn and study some grammar or words but that feeling of a definite increase in knowledge is missing, at least for me. That feeling comes later though, when you all of a sudden notice that your skills do have improved, happens once or twice a year in my case, but the lack of that immediate feeling of accomplishment (and the feeling of that you suck at this you sometimes get) makes these lessons, well, not dreaded but not something you really look forward to.

Something I had looked forward to though, is chemistry. This first lesson, however, was quite boring in my mind. Our teacher went through the basics and with that I mean the absolute and extreme basics. Stuff you heard about the first time in 6th grade. Sure, it may have been exiting then but I think I know it by now after having rehearsed it for 4 years. I'd hoped we'd learn something new and cool to catch interest and get the course rolling tbh. Learned two new things in 2.5 hours, what it's called when an element skips liquid form and goes directly for solid or gas form and the chemical symbol for tin (Sn). :/

Guess it's good that they bring the entire class to the same level but I think it was a bit too much time dedicated to the extreme basics. I hope we get to more advanced stuff soon, though by the look of our schedule - I doubt it...


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